Zarqa Power Plant


In 2017, Kingdom for Energy Investments Company acquired shares in Mahatat Al Zarqa Le Tawleed Al Takah Al Kahrabaieyah, a developer of a combined cycle gas turbine (CCGT) power plant. The plant is located in the decommissioned Hussein Thermal Power Station (HTPS) in Al Zarqa, to the North East of the capital Amman.

The 485MW Zarqa CCGT plant will use natural fired gas as the primary fuel and light distillate oil (LDO) as an alternative fuel. The National Electric Power Company (NEPCO) will supply the plant with natural gas through a newly built gas pipeline.

The generated electricity will be sold to NEPCO under a 25-year power purchase agreement (PPA). And the plant is expected to generate 3.2TWh of electricity annually, enough to cover the electricity demand of 620,000 user.

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